Huvitavad uudised.
Vabandan aga seekord ei ole põhiosa eesti keeles. Kes aga jagavad inglismannide keelt saavad aru miks :-) Lühidalt on lugu selles, et mõned mehed USAs tahavad massimeedia kohtusse kaevata RICO Acti alusel. Tundub, et asi läheb huvitavaks. Pöördumise eel tõmmis all. ************************************************************************************* MSM Criminal Charge under RICO act?? Posted January 25th, 2008 by trackman88 Criminal Charges Under RICO ACT Clarence Malcolm - What the public needs to understand is that FOX, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and the other established *mainstream " mass media"/news sources [*see definition @] are perpetrating criminal fraud (via omissions, distortions and outright lies) and a deliberate censorship of Dr. Ron Paul in 2008 Presidential race—with malice and aforethought and evil intent to control the 2008 presidential elections. This is an outrage and "We the People"...