An Open Letter To Ron Paul From Benjamin Fulford
An Open Letter To Ron Paul From Benjamin Fulford From Benjamin Fulford 12-18-10 Dear Representative Paul, My name is Benjamin Fulford. I am a spokesperson for the Black, White and Golden Dragon societies as well as for the Red and the Green. These ancient secret societies have a global command structure, partially visible in your local martial arts societies, that is capable of mobilizing a 100 million person army on very short notice in case of an emergency. These ancient societies have gone from dormant to semi-active mode because through the successful wiretapping of meetings of your elite, they have learned of plans to start World War 3, kill at least 4 billion people and destroy much of the Northern hemisphere. You may confirm with your Pentagon or CIA sources that this is all very real. The reason we are writing an open letter to you is to explain why the Federal Reserve -Board ne...